Category Archives: resilience in Texas

Organic Fruit Care for Southeast Texas: A Brief Summary

In August 2023, at OHBA-Organic Educators’s annual organic gardening fair, I presented a brief 50 minute summary by slides of what one needs to know about growing fruits in Houston and the rest of Southeast Texas. It is too short a time period to get into the specifics of caring for the 100 or so kinds of fruit one can grow, but the main issues as I see it can be surveyed. The attached pdf covers the slide show. On a desktop, each slide should blow up big enough for easy reading.

Vegetable Planting Schedules for Southeast Texas in a Time of Climate Change

How to Revise Your Out-of-Date Planting Schedule

Since 2012 I have been actively trying to explain to gardeners, farmers, landscapers, and garden centers in Southeast Texas the best way to adapt their local planting schedules to the increasingly warmer and more unstable weather patterns we are facing. The online and book literature is not of much help here, but surely there are researchers studying the general problem somewhere. The attached pdf explains the problem as of May 2023 and my best shot at explaining what to do anywhere in Southeast Texas. If you are not there, with a little work of your own, you may perhaps be able to use the ideas and create your own version.